Judges Needed! UCI Mock Trial Tournament

  • Saturday, January 07, 2023
  • Sunday, January 08, 2023


Message from Iris Gillam
Tournament Director | UCI Mock Trial



I'm writing on behalf of the UC Irvine mock trial team. We are very much in need of attorney volunteers for an upcoming tournament. If you could share our event details with the members of the OCAABA, we'd appreciate it.

We are very much in need of volunteer judges for a collegiate mock trial tournament called 'Beach Party', taking place in person at UC Irvine's campus on Jan. 7th & 8th. We currently do not even have 25% of the judges needed to conduct the tournament. We hope you will consider serving as a volunteer judge for our students -- it means a lot to them and to us.

You can sign up to judge by clicking HERE. Please sign up ASAP so we know if you're joining us!

The rounds: The trials are approximately three hours long and will require no preparation. There will be two days of trial with each day consisting of a morning round (~9:00 – 12:00 PM) and an afternoon round (~2:00 – 5:00 PM). You can judge as many or as few as you like. If you have any attorney friends or colleagues who would also like to judge, please let us know so we can pair you together.

The case: This year’s case is a civil matter with a suit of negligence. The defendant company is the owner of a small plane that crashed, resulting in the death of two people. The evidence and witnesses available vary across the rounds, which makes each trial unique and interesting to watch.

Requirements and orientation: The only requirement to judge is to have some prior experience with the federal rules of evidence (most often via a law school evidence course OR prior mock trial participation). Before each round, we will have a brief orientation session which will explain trial procedure, scoring, and your role as a judge.

Here is the link to sign up: Judge registration form

Also, if you have any colleagues who might be interested in judging, please share this email / sign-up link with them, or let us know so we can share our information with them.

Thank you for your time!

Iris Gillam
Tournament Director | UCI Mock Trial | anteatermocktrial@gmail.com

You can reach us at contactus@ocaaba.org or P.O. Box 6130, Newport Beach, CA 92658.
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The Orange County Asian American Bar Association ("OCAABA") is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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